Lumecca IPL (Intense Pulse Light)

Lumecca (Intense Pulsed Light) is a non-invasive skin treatment that enhances skin tone and texture. It uses sophisticated technology to emit high-intensity light pulses which target a variety of skin issues, including:
- Hyperpigmentation
- Rosacea
- Sun damage
- Acne scars
- Vascular lesions
- Angiomas
The treatment stimulates collagen production, leading to a more uniform skin tone, diminished redness, and a brighter complexion. Sessions are usually quick and involve minimal downtime, making Lumecca a favored option for individuals looking for skin rejuvenation without a prolonged recovery period. It is suitable for all skin types and can simultaneously treat red and brown variances. 
Please note that the booking fee is nonrefundable and covers the full cost of the service. PRICING VARIES FOR INDIVIDUAL AREAS (SINGLE AND THREE SESSIONS ARE AVAILABLE). If you choose not to proceed with this service, your account will be credited, and the balance can be used for any service or product offered at Toxcology.